Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This is my FOUR HUNDREDTH post on this blog. That's kind of cool. It also may be the reason I've been m.i.a. lately. Last time I hit publish and saw that it was my 399th post, I thought "oooh, I need to do something cool for the 400th!" But then that just paralyzed me, because no idea seemed worthy of the sacred 400th post. I know, right? It's ridiculous! I think I'm the only one who can see how many posts there are anyways. Oh well. Here are some things I thought about blogging the past few weeks, that didn't seem good enough...
-how much I adore Michelle Obama. (surely you've seen her evolution of mom dance? or maybe you saw her Good Morning America interview where she discussed how childhood obesity has started declining (halleluiah!), or possibly you caught the end of the Oscar's when she presented for Movie of the year?) yeah, I really like her.
-our wonderful trip to Oklahoma where we got to visit with Zac's amazing family whom we only see once or twice a year, but it feels so comfortable and fun, you'd think we hang out on the reg. And how Drew and Sheperd are ten days apart and your eyeballs almost explode when they are in the same room because the cute factor is off the charts.
-I consider blogging about all sorts of mom stuff, but maybe that would go on the other blog anyways. Actually I should just open a mom twitter account, because most of my thoughts are one liners anyways.
-We started an amazing series called Homeland and we CAN'T. GET. ENOUGH! We actually just finished season one tonight, and I know I'll have dreams about it! If you aren't familiar, consider watching. Such a great show! listing all those unimportant things to blog about, I accidentally blogged about them all. Concise little ice breaker. Cheers friends!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congrats on your 400th post! I love reading all of your stories on this blog and your other one too! You are a wonderful writer, daughter, mother, friend, wife ...!

I love you!