Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Blogging, Day 3

Okay, so we already discussed how today was my last day of summer school. It is exciting, but it's kind of sad too, because it means the summer is about halfway over. With trainings and inservice before school starts, August is pretty much filled with school stuff, so July is really all that is left. I'm going to try not to focus on that though.
Wednesday, June 29th
1. Do something productive.'s not good when you have to rack your brain to come up with something! I guess today the only thing I did productive was give the TAKS test. It wasn't hard, and maybe it's because I only had four kids, but several times I thought to myself "why do so many teachers complain about this!?"
2. Do something healthy, or for others.
Well, I woke up early to go to the gym. I got there at 5:30, and three people were waiting by the door. I thought maybe they'd forgotten their key fobs, but turns out the fob reader pad was not working. One of the guys wanting to get in called the owner to come open it for us. But it took about 15-20 minutes for the guy to get there, and there were at least 10-15 people waiting by that time. It was kind of annoying. I was thinking that I could have slept later, but once I got inside I got to work. I did a little bit of cardio and 3sets of five different leg exercises with weights. My legs are sore from my workout Monday, so I thought I might as well work them again. I didn't do any arms because they were still sore from the rope swing at the family reunion, yoga, and cutting that darn bush-tree thing. In fact, they were shaking a little off and on this morning! Weird.

3. Do something selfish.
Okay, so most of the day was selfish. I got home from summer school around 12:30 and sat on the couch until about 4:30. No lie. I accidentally (and I'm using that word the way a three year old does after they intentionally hit a friend) turned on the stupid Casey Anthony trial and COULD. NOT. ESCAPE it! I got so hooked. I kept telling myself not to watch it and sensationalize the case, but I seriously couldn't pull myself away from it. I would tell myself 'okay, it's 2:30, you must turn it off at 2:45, no matter what is happening.' Then I wouldn't look at the time again until 3, so I'd say 'okay, at 3:30 I need to turn it off and go lie down for a nap' then keep watching anyways. I didn't turn it off until Zac got home around 4:30. But to be perfectly honest, it was because the judge recessed for the day. That made it a little easier to turn off, haha. While watching it though, I found myself in awe and admiration for the attourneys. I hated the defense, because I guess I want her to be found guilty, but I think I also hated him because he was so darn good. Both he and the female prosecutor are just so sharp and quick. I think I would be insecure to shout objection and be able to think on my feet so fast, but they are great. Casey baffles me. Don't ask why I got sucked in. I need to just avoid it altogether, because I could see myself hooked and useless, sitting on the couch all day long tomorrow, following the trial again. I don't need to do that. Anyways, sorry for that long rambling. When Zac left to go workout, I laid down for a nap. Then two of our friends came over at 6:30 and we headed to Arlington for Trivia Night at Pluckers. This is me and Zac's third Wednesday to go in the past five weeks, and we really enjoy it. We went alone the first time, took one couple the second time, and a different couple this time. They loved it, and want to go again. There are 6 rounds of ten questions, with the topics being sports, music, television, technology/mixed subjects, movies, and 90's trivia. It was a fun night! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

School's (really) Out For Summer!

Yay! Today I finished teaching my first summer school! I did 8th grade reading, and LOVED the change. The kids I taught had either failed English/Language Arts for the school year, or failed both of the TAKS reading tests. So, you could say I had a challenge on my hands, but I really liked it. The kids took their third (and final) administration of the TAKS today. I hope they did well. Results won't be available until after July 15th.I only had nine students (six of which I had two hours a day, and three whom I taught four hours a day), so I got to REALLY work with them and build a relationship with each of them. The circumstances for summer school are actually teacher's dream...four hours a day, only four days a week, small classes, positive relationships, laid back atmosphere...too bad it isn't like this all year long! :)

I know that school (techinically) got out the first week of June, but since I had summer school, it didn't really feel that different to me. I still had to wake up early, tried to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and couldn't really leave town. Not my typical summer freedom. But today when I left the building (even though I enjoyed teaching this summer) I had the most joyful, weight-has-been-lifted, giddy feeling. I thought the Alice Cooper song "Schools Out For Summer" should have been blasting from the sky. Instead, I just added it to my playlist and listened to it three times in a row when I got home.

Today when the kids finished the TAKS, we had time to talk before they had to leave. They got on the subject of music, and one of the kids said her favorite artist was 'Prince Royce.' When I said "WHO!?" with a puzzled look on my face, one of the other kids said "miss, you don't know him? He's like the latin Justin Bieber! All the girls love him!" So, of course when I got home I had to look up the latin Justin Bieber. And being the considerate person I am, I thought I'd share this new discovery with you, just so you never feel stupid that you don't know who a huge singing sensation is. LOL! Here ya go, my friends...

*To turn off the music already playing, just scroll down to the bottom and find my playlist and hit pause. I'm liking the playlist thing. I've already thought of a few songs I want to use in the coming days. It's fun to let a song define your day. At least, it's fun to me, and it's my blog, so there.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Blogging, Day 2

1. Do something productive.
Let's see...summer school, cleaned the bathroom, trimmed a half tree-half bush in our front yard (hard arms were shaking afterwords), loaded and ran the dishwasher, and moved clothes from the washer to the dryer.
2. Do something healthy, or for others.
I downloaded the Pocket Yoga app for my iPhone, after doing it with my cousin Robin at our family reunion. I love that you can do it whenever you want, in the comfort of your own home, and $3 is way better than buying a DVD and having to worry about putting it in and all that. Anyways, while Zac was cooking us pesto pizza for dinner, I did some living room yoga, while Frank Sinatra sang to us. It's still pretty warm in the house (if the thermostat is on 78, it's actually 82 or so in the house), and with the yoga and all, it felt very summery.
We also took Molly to our favorite park in Hatchie for a long walk. Zac ran four miles, and Molly and I took a nice walk. Molser sniffed everything in sight, and jumped at the sounds of the insects and frogs in the bushes. Silly city dog. She get it from her Mama. I screamed when a frog (that I thought was a leaf) jumped across my path today. Not because I'm scared of frogs, it just startled me, because I wasn't expecting it.
3. Do something selfish. (or just because it makes me happy)
I took a very long, nice nap today. I got a snow cone this evening. I had lunch with a friend, and made plans for tomorrow night. I'll have to tell you all about that in tomorrows post.

PS-I'm working on a post about our family reunion.
PS#2-Zac SPAZZES (the heck) out when he hears Cruel Summer. Every since I put it up yesterday, he's been singing it and getting so pumped each time he hears it. It's pretty priceless. LOL!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Blogging

So, the month of June has COME AND GONE! Like, speedy quick.***

I have two more days of summer school, and then I get to start a real summer. No alarm clock (if I don't want) and no obligations. Just me deciding how I want to spend my time. Except...I'm not good at that. If I don't MAKE myself do something, I am completely content sleeping/reading/surfing the day away. So I decided that I have to do three things every single day, and blog each evening (or the next morning, because let's not be too strict, it is summer, after-all) about each of the categories. Here they are:
1. Do something productive.
2. Do something healthy, or for others.
3. Do something selfish.

Today my list would be something like this...
1. Productive: I taught summer school, and did a load of laundry. And returned to my blog after a month hiatus. That can count as productivity, right!?
2. Healthy/Others: I got up early to hit the gym, and had an awesome hour long workout. I also went to give blood. I am O-negative, so they need me a lot. (universal donor, ya know) Turns out I was too anemic (which happened to me last time I went in!) so I wasn't able to give, but I really wanted to, and I think that can count as trying to do something good for others.
3. Selfish: I took a nap. I also went to Barnes and Noble tonight and spent a gift card that my sweet in-laws got me for my birthday. I bought three magazines, since TAKS testing and a relaxing weekend at the lake are coming this week. I also got a book which I'm really looking forward to reading. I think it could qualify as a selfish entry OR a healthy activity. I think mental health and wellness is just as important as physical health!

***Speedy quick is a 'Junie B. Jones' reference, and I highly recommend Junie books to any and all parents. Kids love them, and there are a lot of social issues (she's quite the mischievous little girl) that create some awesome conversation and teachable moments.