Saturday, September 19, 2009

Catching Up...

It has been way way way too long! Since I last posted, I have completed five weeks of a new job, (a month of school), and had a somewhat serious surgery. Obviously I don't have enough time to cover it all, but here are a few quick things I will say...
-I love my job. Love it. I have 11 kids in my class and every single one of them has touched me in one way or another. I feel blessed to be in an atmosphere that has so much love and caring, every single day! We tell our class we are like a family, and we really are. I love my co-workers, and I feel like Zac probably knows the kids too, since I talk about them so much.
-As much as I love the kids and the "work" I do, I am so exhausted at the end of each day. (It doesn't help that I had surgery the second week of school, and have not quite felt myself since then, but that is getting better.) I stand ALL DAY LONG, which I have gotten used to, but it seems that I am more "emotionally" exhausted than physically exhausted everyday. Some of our kids have rough lives and I just want to bring most of them home with me. It's sad to see these kids have to persevere through so much. They are amazing, and never seem to complain, but part of that is because they don't know any different. I do, though. One of the kids came up to me this week, and whispered a simple three-word sentence, but it made me tear up. He said "You're so loving."
-I think about blogging all the time. I will hear a song or read about something and think "oh, I wanna blog about that" but then I don't get around to it. Hmph, another thing I have learned about having a full time job, is that the evenings are so precious. I am having a hard time balancing work and "me time." I think I am getting better at it, but for awhile it was kinda discouraging. I am someone who needs LOTS of sleep, but since I'd get home from work at five, and then Zac would get home around 6, we'd eat dinner and visit and watch our shows or whatever, I didn't really have alone time (which I used to have all day long, every day). So instead of going to bed early, like I should have, I would stay up and play online or read, or watch a show or something to unwind. I know that it's impossible to ask anyone to sympathize for me, since most of my friends and fam have had full-time jobs for years now, and they have had to figure out this balance long ago, but I'm just saying that I am just now getting the hang of it. I guess I got used to having lots of "me" time, so I was sacrificing sleep to have some. I am better now, but gosh, it sucks having to get things done in the evening and weekends. I like getting things done during the day (which I can't do anymore, since I'm at work now) and just relaxing on the weekends and evenings. I have class every other Tuesday from 4:30-10, and then every Thursday and Friday, I try to go to Zac's football games. It's busy. I know, I probably sound bratty. Sorry. I'll stop, but I do hope you know what I mean. It's just challenging, that's all. I can't even imagine being a working mom. How do you do anything, and when do you sleep? I have SO much admiration for working moms. Truly! I really don't know how they do it! I fear I am making myself sound weak or whiny, but I'm just being honest. I think I am transitioning fine now, but I'll admit I love my alone time. It's a good thing I LOVE my job!!
-Last, but not least...I graduate DECEMBER 19th! That is exactly three months from today! I can't believe it! I am so excited! Now...I just have to get through 6 more hours of classes, projects, and two big state tests.
**I know that this post was very poorly written, I'm just too lazy to change it. Forgive me? Okay, now here is a video to make you forget about my "stream of consciousness" writing. Wouldn't it be fun for this to be Zac and our future daughter? :)


Sarah said...

So proud of you for graduating! You're awesome.. Miss you, love you :)

Liz said...

Jules, i know just how you feel about not blogging a lot. I have a few posts that I think of, but never seem to have to time to write them down. :) I hope you find a good schedule that lets you get your alone time. love you.

Katie K said...

Okay 1: That video is awesome! And 2: You are loving, and totally equipped to be wonderful and your job every day. Don't feel bad about feeling exhausted, and it is hard to cut back on things that you no longer have time for. You'll get better at it and eventually won't miss those things at all. You know, like me with exercising... :)

Amy F said...

Thanks for blogging...I've missed you! You are totally not being bratty about wanting "me time"...last year I took an hour nap every day after work and had to figure out how to deal with the emotional exhaustion. It's different from other regular jobs:)

I'm glad you are so happy:) Yay for teaching!