Wednesday, September 23, 2009


-We had to get a new latop. Ours would not turn on, we took it in, and the motherboard was out. It costs like $500 to replace that, and you can get a new laptop for $500, sooooo...this is my first post from the new computer. It's an Asus, and is supposed to be amazing. I had never heard of this brand before but the super friendly, smart, and helpful guy at Best Buy swore it was great. Plus we got an amazing deal on it. Windows 7 is about to come out, and this has Windows XP, so it was cheap...AND we get to upgrade to Windows 7 for free when it is available. He hooked us was nice. What is not nice is dropping $700 on a random Monday. (After we bought the insurance and paid to get our stuff off the old laptop's hard drive, it was a bit expensive.) Oh well...we are both in school and we both NEED a laptop, so it's not like it was really an option. At least we got a sleek computer with nice specs. OH-Oh-0h! I can't believe that the first thing I said wasn't that we have a camera on our laptop now! I didn't even realize it when we bought it, but tonight when we were picking it up from Best Buy I accidentally turned it on. Guess who gets to Skype their awesome cousins living in Paris, London, and Edinburgh now? It's ME!!!
-Kids are dropping like flies at my school. I think that there were 100 people absent Monday, and 140 absent yesterday. There have been 60+ confirmed cases of flu. My district offers flu shots at the very end of October, but I don't think I'm going to wait that long. I think I might go ahead and try to get one this weekend. Geeze, just all this talk is making me feel germy. Since I am in a contained classroom, it's even a little worse. We have had two out with flu, and there are only 12 in our room. Yikes! I am taking Vitamin C though, and drinking Emer-gen-C, and using Germ-X like it's nobody's business, so hopefully these things will help protect me. Hopefully!!
-Do any of you have twitter? I love it. I didn't like it at first, but now I get on a lot. Let me know if you have it, so we can follow each others tweets.
-Y'all my good friend Michelle (from Burnet, who also lives here), her father passed away last weekend. He is two years younger than my dad and died of heart stuff. Life is so so precious. And death is so so final. Please pray for Michelle and her family. What a rough and unexpected loss! I can't even imagine.
-Zac's birthday is coming up. Yay! That's all! :)


Jeremy, Sarah, and Brayden said...

I do, I do!!! :) BUT I've been just as bad about twitter as I have been about blogging! :( haha maybe, I will start twittering again just for you! ;) I looked for you but didn't find you. I'm under scabrera :) love u!

Linda said...

A new computer - WOW! Were they able to transfer all of your music to the new one? Please, please get a flu shot ASAP. I think I am going to Walgreens tomorrow for mine. Love you!

Shannon said...

That's awesome about the new computer! I totally hear ya on the flu's scary to think about! I'm going to be getting a flu shot soon, too!!!!!