Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fourth Annual Wine Night

Saturday night I had a terrific time with friends, food, and fabulous dresses. Okay, they were bridesmaid dresses, so only some of them were fabulous (mine being one of them, thanks to Liz).  The event started out the weekend before Thanksgiving, then last year moved to December (Christmas themed...we collected canned goods) and this year it was Valentine's weekend, and we all wore our old bridesmaid dresses. Who says you can't wear them again!? ;) I think I can speak for all of the ladies when I say it was a fun, intimate evening of wine, cheese, music, laughter, and of course...more wine!

Click HERE to see pics of the first and second annual wine nights, and pics/video/recap of the third.

**And just for fun...YES, as a matter of fact that IS Justin Bieber singing. My students are obsessed with him (they call him Justin Beaver! ha), and I have to say I have caught a little Bieber Fever myself! Not that I would pay for any of his music, but I like a JB song here or there. Judge me if you want. :)

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