Friday, July 8, 2011


Last night was a blast. We did end up doing the fun idea I had mentioned previously, and it felt so good to get out of our comfort zone. Zac knew about this band called The O's, and saw they were playing in Dallas. It's just two brothers who play several instruments (banjo, guitar, lowebro, kick drums, harmonicas, and a tambourine) and have fun making some great music. They played at The Common Table, which was a really cute restaurant in Uptown. It was only slightly pretentious and swanky, but we were dressed cute, so we fit right in. :) Haha, I also think that this band is pretty laid back and cool, so that made the crowd fun too. The show didn't start until ten, so Zac and I felt very young and hip and cool for heading to Dallas to go to a late show. (gah, even just admitting that makes me feel ten years older than I am!) We were joking about how we aren't really an old married couple, we just feel like it, then decided on Cotton Patch for dinner. HAHA! Not so hip or romantic, but I love me some wabbit platter (that's the veggie plate), so I really didn't care. We just felt like we were pushing the boundaries for eating at 8 instead of 5:30 or 6! Ha, we really are pathetic. But it was such a fun night. We had drinks and a scrumptious dessert at the show, and had a cute little cozy corner booth. We giggled, talked, cheers'ed, and listened to live music. It was a good night. A fill your cup, kind of night. It's so nice to break your routine every now and then, and makes it even more exciting and special when you do. 

1. Do something productive.
Zac cooked lunch for us again today. When I went to put away leftovers, I could not find a matching container and lid. How annoying is that!? It's happened to me a hundred times, but usually it occurs in the evening, when I'm in a rush. Today, I took my frustration and put it to work. Here is the entire cabinet, cleaned out and stacked on the kitchen table. (yes, it was that disorganized and messy inside the cabinet too!)

I matched all the things that had matches, and then recycled what didn't. Somehow, there was about fifteen more tops than there were bottoms. I also recycled some of the older or crummier containers.

Ta-da!!! This is what it looks like back in the cabinet. All nice and neat, and easy to find the perfect sized container for the occasion. :)
Soon after finishing the tupperware project, our doorbell rang. Another A/C company to look at our unit and house and give us a quote on a new one. Two hours later, I made the conclusion that a/c salesmen LOVE to chat. The man today (as well as the last man, who came in June) stayed hours, told stories, and explained the science of air conditioning in detail. We really liked the man today, the way he was so thorough, and the way he bragged about what great care he was going to take of us. He comes out a week after install, and then again four weeks after install, just to check on everything and make sure we are satisfied, and it's running properly. Then he comes out again at the beginning of winter to make sure the heat pump side of the HVAC is functioning efficiently too. As much as we DREADED spending so much money on AIR...we pulled the trigger. We have 12 months with no interest, so at least we can pay it off over time. Man, we hope to move in a year or so, and it really does stink though, having to spend money on something you can't take with you. At least a new dining room table or dresser could go with us. A fancy trip would give us beautiful pictures and everlasting priceless memories. But an A/C? You need it, but it sure isn't a fun way to blow 6 thousand bucks. Which, for the record, is more than we spent on our trips to Spain, New Orleans, and San Francisco combined! Ugh...I hate to think of it that way. But whatever. We needed it, and we'd need it to sell the house eventually anyways.

2. Do something healthy, or for others.
Hmm...oh wow. That's bad. I guess I didn't really do anything healthy or helpful today. Yikes. Oops! I'll have to double up tomorrow! I'm ashamed.

3. Do something selfish.
Maybe I was lacking in category #2 because I was so busy with this category. I took a nap today. We saw a movie, and I ate some popcorn and skittles. We saw Horrible Bosses, and I thought it was very funny. I can't help but mention one of my hugest pet peeves though...I absolutely can't stand, get so upset, hate, when people bring little kids to R rated movies. Especially if they are old enough to understand and remember scenes from the film. This has always bugged me, and it affects me to the point that I don't enjoy the movie as much, because I'm so worried about the six year old down the aisle seeing violence, sex, and hearing language that even shocks me! Sigh...let it go Jules. But seriously people!? Okay, I'm done. I've been getting on a lot of soap boxes lately, huh? I should have a warning for my blog, like SBOTD (soap box of the day), so you'll know I'm about to go off. Oh well. Moving on...Zac and I also watched the documentary Waiting for Superman today. It's fascinating, but super depressing too. Our American education system is a big mess, and it's crazy to me that we are taking even more money away from a system that's already failing as is. Ugh...I can feel another SBOTD coming on. Anyways, after the movie we went to Buffalo Wild Wings (Zac's choice, obviously!) to celebrate/mourn the new "purchase." Welp, time for bed! More exciting plans tomorrow night!

***I'm so pumped to learn that a book I really enjoyed has been made into a movie! I can't wait to see Freakonomics: The Movie! Click on the title to watch the trailer. If you read the book, you can imagine how interesting the movie will be!


Amy F said...

Ugh, I know what you mean about little kids in R movies. It even bothers me that my 6th grade students quote lines from The Hangover! I can't imagine letting Samuel watch a movie like that when he is barely a teenager. Hopefully I won't be the only crazy Mom about that when he gets to that age!

Heather said...

1. I SO need to organize our tupperware cabinet. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
2. I haven't done anything healthy in forever, so don't feel too bad, ha! I do start working out again this week...sigh.
3. This is a HUGE pet peeve for me too!

p.s. I love Cotton Patch; shhh, don't tell. :)