1. I'm enjoying American Idol, and I think it's cool that there have been SO many people from Texas on. My favorite show these days though, is Modern Family. If you don't watch it, I recommend you start. Just go to Hulu and start from the beginning...it's so entertaining, you'll be caught up before you know it! :)
2. I love my job. I love the kids. I don't love how much emotional baggage I bring home every day. My students have rough home lives and it's so unfair. I cried tonight, just thinking about what one girl is going through. I would love to say more but legally I can't. Just trust me...it's unfortunate. I have been trying to quit thinking about it since 4:00 this afternoon and have not been able to distract myself for more than ten minutes at a time without thinking about it again.
3. We had a LOT of snow last week. Stacy spent the night. We met Ramsi and Bez for lunch the next day. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. I love laughing with friends! Here are a few pics...
4. Mock TAKS testing this week at our school means fieldtrips for us. Today we toured HEB (sounds weird, but it was really neat...we learned all about produce, seafood, the bakery ladies showed them how they make roses and other icing creations, visited the pharmacy, etc) and then went out to eat at Chili's. Tomorrow we are going to the Rainforest Cafe in Grapevine. The staff give our students a tour and talk about all the different animals and rainforest, then we eat. Should be fun!
5. I am really picky about shampoo and conditioner. I used "Dumb Blonde" by BedHead for the longest. I loved it at first but then it really dried my hair out. My stylist said that it actually puts too much protein in the hair, which helps to a point, then damages. I didn't know that and had been using it exclusively for like two years. Whoops! Anyways, after that I wanted to silken up my hair so I switched to my childhood fave Pantene Pro-V. The regular kind weighed my hair down too much, so I got the Volume one, but it made my hair frizzy and fly all over the place. Next bottle was Garnier Fructis, but it made my hair kinda oily. Anyways, I tell you all this because I FINALLY FOUND THE BEST STUFF and you will never believe what it is. Herbal Essence. I use the Body Envy type (which is for volume) and it is the perfect concoction for me. The other exciting thing about this, it is cheap...really cheap. One of my coworkers asked what I'd been doing different to my hair and I told I her I switched shampoo and she said I was the third person she'd talked to that was obsessed with this brand/type. She switched too and she loves it just as much as I do! :) More than you ever wanted to know, right? hah
6. Zac and I feel weighed down with some pretty hefty decisions. Say a little prayer for us to get through this semi-stressful time, and that we make the best decision. Please also be thinking of Zac as he is dealing with some work-related stress, and also awaits for the scores from his state principal exam. Thanks!
1 comment:
I can't wait to try your recommendation for shampoo & conditioner. :)
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