Thursday, July 31, 2008

My 1st Coaching School

We just returned from the Texas High School Coaches Association Coaching School in San Antonio. This was my first time to get to go to coaching school with Zac and it was fun. We arrived in San Antonio on Sunday after lunch and left Wednesday morning, very early. The hotel we stayed in, The Menger, is the "oldest hotel west of the Mississippi" (it has had visitors such as Teddy Roosevelt, Babe Ruth, Robert E. Lee, etc) and also happens to be haunted. It is literally right next door to the Alamo, and is even built kindof funny because "nothing can cast a shadow on the Alamo." It was a great location, but since it was so old, it was kinda odd. It is hard to explain, you would just have to see it. In case you are wondering...I DID see a ghost. I would not have included this, but Zac is making sure everyone knows I saw one, so I thought I might as well put it on here. We were walking up to the room and I turned a corner, and standing in the middle of the hall was about a six foot dark figure. It seemed to freeze, and then walk straight into the left wall. I ran to the side of the right wall to see if there was a door there, and there wasn't. It was not near as exciting as I thought it would fact, I was outright disappointed after it happened. What do I do with this experience? I mean I will never know who or why I saw is weird! It was very anti-climatic and I am kinda like woop-de-doo, I saw a ghost, big deal! The funny thing is that I was not even into the whole "this hotel is haunted hype" like everyone else was (ah-hem, Zac!) and I am the one who saw a ghost. Whatever. If you want to read more about the ghosts of the Menger, click HERE. Below is a picture of Michelle and Mandi sitting with a "ghost" (we were joking around) in the hotel lobby... Then a group shot (minus Jaime and Courtney,so here's a pic of them in their matching bernuda shorts).

Enough about the hotel...the trip was alot of fun. There is also a THSC Wives Association, so we all joined that and went to a few of their events. We took a "power cooking" class which was actually really helpful and entertaining. Now I just need to put what I learned to use, haha! There was also a small showroom with all different types of vendors, and in the afternoons they had bingo, which was a blast! I have never played bingo as an adult, but it was neat, and the best part was that we all won at least one thing, some of us won twice! I won a $20 gift card to a restaurant. :)

Besides the guys doing their convention stuff, and us doing our girly activities, we had lots of time to just have fun. Zac got to play golf with some of his friends from Burnet. We both got to go to a McMurry reception that was held on the Riverwalk. It was really neat. There is a new Alumni Relations Director and his speech made us super proud to be McM Alum! (Did you know that the presidents of Burger King, America and the BlackBerry Corporation both graduated from McMurry?) I also had time to do a little shopping and see a movie with Meagan and Mandi. We went to see Mamma Mia!, which I highly recommend. It was very fun and cheesy. :) At night we all went out together and had lots of fun at the various bars on the Riverwalk. Did I mention the great Mexican food in San Antonio? haha, it was a great time! I didn't want to come home! Here are a few more pics from the weekend...

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