Monday, July 28, 2008

new cousins...

"A happy family is but an earlier heaven."-- John Bowring

Braegan, Ellen with Nati, Aunt Sarah, Gabe holding Claire, Uncle Chuck, David, Ariel, Amy and Gian

Tuesday, July 15th, our family "officially" added three new members! They have been in our family for over a year, but last week the State of Texas, and Dallas County made it final! :) My Aunt Sarah and Uncle Chuck now have 5 kids, 2 son-in-laws, and 2 grandkids, which is nuts if you think that just 5 short years ago, they were a family of four! I have the deepest respect and upmost admiration for Chuck and Sarah for bringing these three kids into our family, and I think we are all blessed. I was able to go help them celebrate the adoption and be with them on that magical day. It truly was just that...magical! There is something truly miraculous about adoption, and as a Christian, I believe that God planned and brought them into our lives, and us into theirs for a purpose, just as much as he does when a woman is impregnated. I am not trying to get too deep or anything, I have just discovered over the past year what an AMAZING process adoption is. I have not known much personally about adoption until recently, and now I know about local and foreign adoption, all thanks to the people pictured above. A message to them...I am proud of you, I am grateful for you, and I will be here whenever needed.
"By choice, we have become a family, first in our hearts, and finally in breath and being. Great expectations are good; great experiences are better." --Richard Fischer

1 comment:

Ellen Enright said...

I love the post Julia! We are all blessed to have you in our family. Great picture by the way. Thanks also for commenting on my blog. I really love your comments.