Haha, I will DEFINITELY lose some respect for this post, but hey, I've got gumption...I'm not scared to be shunned. You might think I am being dramatic, but trust me. No one that I know will agree with me on this one. Watch this video to see "hip hop flavor mixed with a little bit of Rock and Roll..." hehe
Okay, in case you have not figured it out, that was Keven Federline (yeah, Britney's ex). I usually think he is grody, but I think he actually looks good in this video. AND, to top it off, I love the song! Like, I was just jamming out to it. JAMMING! It is really old and I hadn't heard it in a long time, but I found it on YouTube tonight. I watched it like three times. Isn't it fun and catchy? (You are probably rolling your eyes and questioning why you are friends with me, or related to me, or whatever, haha.) It's okay, no one is watching...hit replay. Watch it one more time! You know you want to! ;)
*for my audience over 40: Whip-slang for an expensive vehicle, car, automobile. Typically used in the Hiphop culture.
PS-Three finals down today...two to go tomorrow! Woohoo!!!! I will NOT miss taking finals when I am done with school. Sheesh!
I see no evidence that he was ever a dancer...shouldn't he have rhythm if he was?
So I'm only 30 and had no idea what "whip" meant. :) Good luck on finals! ~Tatem
Tatem, I'm with you! I guess we're just not deep in the streets these days. :)
Jules - The song is fun.
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