Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happily Devoted to B...

Congrats to Britney on an amazing night at the MTV Video Music Awards. (For those of you who didn't know, she won her first VMA tonight, and then won two more!) She looked healthy and beautiful, and behaved very classy. I was so happy to see her in a "good place." Her acceptance speeches were sweet and short, and reminded me of the old Britney. Not the one from recent years. I mean the B from 9 years ago, in 1999, when I fell in love with her! She has come a long way since that tragic night, just one year ago, when she "performed" (I use quotations because it looked more like a half-hearted practice) at the VMA's in that unforgettable black swimsuit thingy. I was so proud of her and happy for her tonight. I have liked her a very long time, and it made me so sad to see what she was going through the past few years, and in the public eye, on top of that. I was not one of those people who bashed her. I just got quiet, but stayed devoted. I really did pray for her, and I remember being scared that an Anna Nicole Smith type ending would take place! I am glad she seems to be getting whatever help she needed, and I hope that her return is just around the corner! I can't wait much longer! If you are a true fan, like myself, check out this video of her rehearsing choreography for one of her new songs. I like what I see! :) I know the majority of you will think I am a nerd, or remind me that I have the musical taste of a teenager, for liking her, but I have liked her since I was a sophomore in high school, and I feel like we have grown up together. (Although I never got married/eloped in Vegas, and she beat me to the whole having kids thing, but still!) I do love her music, and I don't care if she lip-sings. She can dance, she has charisma, and her music is undeniably awesome...she is the total package in my eyes! I am getting pumped up just writing this. Ha, maybe I am a nerd!?

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I LOVE that we each wrote a blog about Britney :-)
Can we hang out soon, please?!