Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Do ya like my new layout? I needed a change. It is plain, but I think it's refreshing...just a little something new.

In two days, my freshmen cheerleaders get to cheer their first game! What makes it extra special is the fact that MY girls will be cheering for ZAC'S boys! Isn't that cute? And to add to the excitement, my mom and dad are coming in town. Not just Friday, for the Varsity game, but Thursday in time for our games! :) Yay!! The good news doesn't stop there! On Friday, Liz, Andy and Madeline are coming to town, in time for the Pep Rally (not just the game)! It feels so good to have such a supportive family. Some people would not think that coaching cheerleaders is a job, much less something to watch. Haha, my fam knows how much time I spend working with these girls, and then working more, behind the scenes. I am excited that they are coming to see it all come to fruition! :)

Saturday, we are meeting my cousins and Granny in Dallas for lunch. Granny is going to come home with us and spend Saturday night here. I am thrilled. I love having company and I feel like I am so rejuvinated and ready for whatever life has to dish out to me, after spending time with mi familia! I can't wait to blog all about it!

Hope y'all had a nice Tuesday. G'nite!

1 comment:

Linda said...

We ARE very proud of you and Zac and can't wait to see you Thursday!
Love, Mama