Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pink October

Even though this year I am not officially raising any money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, for Breast Cancer Awareness month I still want to (guess what)...Raise Awareness! :)
Take this QUIZ to learn more about Breast Cancer, and Purina Cat Chow will donate a dollar to Komen for the Cure. It's easy, and interesting! You can also do it in honor or memory of someone. I did mine in honor of Mickey Little, my great aunt, who was the first person I knew to have breast cancer. Also, click on this SITE to help donate a free mammogram to someone in need!
If you did not follow my blog this time last year, I wore pink everyday in the month of October, and raised over $500 for the Komen Foundation. The blog I used is still online and can be found at Please feel free to check it out, look around, etc...

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